How to build from source

On Windows

  1. Install Visual Studio Community 2015 or later with the optional feature "Visual C++".

  2. Download Boost C++ libraries, and run the following or similar command to build them:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
.\b2.exe define=BOOST_USE_WINAPI_VERSION=0x0600 variant=debug,release link=static runtime-link=static threading=multi toolset=msvc-14.0 -j2 stage
  1. Download the source code of wxWidgets, and open build\msw\wx_vc14.sln, and change an option /MD to /MT in Properties->C/C++->Code Generation->Runtime Library of the Release configuration on each project.

  2. Build wxWidgets in the Release configuration.

  3. Download the source code of Zero Problem, open src\ZeroProblem.sln, select x86 from the active solution platform combo box, and correct the values of the properties of include and library directories in Properties -> VC++ Directories.

  4. Build Zero Problem in the Release configuration.

On Linux

Zero Problem has not been tested enough on Linux, but you can build the software with the following or similar command if you are lucky:

sudo apt install build-essential git dpkg-deb-dev cmake libwxgtk3.0-dev libboost-all-dev fonts-roboto
cd ~
git clone
cd zero-problem/src
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

and install the software like below:

sudo apt install ./zero-problem*.deb
cd ..
rm -rf build

and uninstall it like below:

sudo apt remove zero-problem